A Warriors Path

Nathan Miller
3 min readApr 10, 2021

So to sum up what has been going on in my school life and life in general…basically shit has been pretty stressful 😩. From being forced to go part-time. To having a verbal altercation with my boss which almost got me fired. To then have what I thought I had down to almost feeling like I'm treading water with no legs. This part of the Flatiron Phase has been pretty rough. But it hasn't been a complete shit show which I find to be not too bad in general.

I’m not sure if it’s the expectations I have of myself or the fact that I'm not realizing I'm legit only 3 months in. But I've been pressuring myself to try and understand and be the best I can when it comes to this coding shit. There are times I feel like I'm completely out of my element and maybe that is a good thing. Maybe being challenged is something I've been missing in my life.

I've always found ways to coast by without thinking. But with coding languages, thinking and problem-solving is the cheat code and for some reason, it feels as if I'm plugging a cheat code into a Mortal Kombat select screen. If only “AABBAABBA+START”(Alladin LVL skip btw)was the unlock to truly understand the ins and outs of coding. If only I could grasp (and I know one day I will )what the secret to coding really is. At what point is that lightbulb going to click for everything and not just small sections of something. When does it start to stick? Will it ever stick? and is this something that I can see myself doing forever? These questions are forever on my mind and one-day ill figure it all the fuck out. I'm just thankful I have people especially my teacher to help me along my path. One day I know ill get to a point where ill be helping others and that's where I want to be when this is all said and done. Until then ill just keep replaying that same LVL over and over until its mastered in some way.

OK! So, as most who have been reading my blogs now know, I tend to ramble and bitch a bit before I get into writing about what I'm doing. This is all relevant trust me. I don't talk about fighting games or games in general without it having context to lead into what my project is about.

I'm a big fighting game fan and would one day like to be a part of creating one or any game for that matter(RTS😍). I’m always on different websites like https://testyourmight.com/ etc. That allows me to stay connected with the community and learn about news, character, releases, etc.

I’ve always wanted to have my own site and have thought about how I would make it relevant in some way that isn't just a fighting game website but also something that could help players looking for more than just expanding their muscle memory. This leads me to think up a site that would not only be almost exclusive to fighting games but also have a hand in what the characters in fighting games emulate. With that said I thought that fitness would be a great topic to fuse with fighting games. Ryu didn't maintain his manly physique by just carrying his stick on his back. He took years of training, hard work, and DPs (Dragon Punches) to get into the best possible shape.

Fitness is a major part of my life and almost if not more on par with my love of fighting games. I know that I'm not the only one in the community that cares about fitness and for a sport that requires a lot of sitting and screen time, it would seem almost appropriate to fuse these topics. I would like to build interest for those that either may be considering getting into fitness and not knowing where to start or to help those who have and are already walking that path to maintain and even find new tips and tricks that could help improve their health overall.

This site is definitely going to be a work in progress and I would like to see this through till completion far beyond after I've finished the program. I truly want to make something of this and if struggling is the way to get their(SIGH….) then so be it. I wanna prove to myself that I can do this and make this pet project into a site that could garner some if not a lot of attention. Until that day ill be seeing yall on the struggle field.

